2025 Plans and info can be found
herePlanned days of play and division break down is at the bottom of this page
**What Tee Ball division should I sign my child up for?** THIS IS AT THE TOP SINCE IT IS THE MOST ASKED LL QUESTION.
Tee-Ball 1 is 3-5-year-olds and Tee-Ball 2 is 4-6-year-olds. BUT The major difference between Tball 1 and Tee Ball 2 is this:
Tee-Ball 1 is strictly hitting off the tee.
Tee-Ball 2 A coach pitches under or overhand from 10-15 ft away and the child is given 7 swings to hit the ball. If they fail to hit the ball in those swings we will bring out the tee for them to hit off of.
**6-year-old boys with multiple years of T Ball 2 are encouraged to play in the 6-7yo Coaches Pitch division. 6-year-old Girls who feel comfortable moving up are welcome to move to the 8u Pitching Machine Division**
Tee-Ball 1 is for 1st or 2nd-year players just getting their feet wet or just not ready for a coach to pitch to them yet. Some kids who have been dragging a bat around with them since they could walk might feel ready for Tee Ball 2 at the age of 4, If the parents are ok with their child playing with 6-year-olds that is fine. Tball Ages are 3-6 years old. NEW FOR 2024 TBALL 2: T Ball 2 will now be split up by Boys or Girls. We will still make exceptions for those families that want brother and sister to play together. We feel that by separating them it will allow better growth for both softball and baseball players. Any ?’s please reach out to the numbers below.
What are first time enrollees steps?
When registering for a SCLL program, you will have to have an account on our website. When you get to the Sign In page, there will be a link to Create a New Account if you do not already have one.
You can get to the Sign In page by using the link at the top of the homepage.
But most commonly, people are forced to log in when enrolling into a program. The current programs are listed on the homepage. To register players, hit the enroll button under that section. This will force you to login and if not already and will take you to the Sign In page. From there existing members can log in or you can create a new account. After creating a new account, you can then register.
When creating an account you will be asked to put in information such as address, email, phone contact, etc for yourself. You can then add kids or spouses to the account as well
How much is Registration?:
Nov 1st-March 8th $130- This is a 127 Day window to get your registration in before rates go up.
March 9th-March 31st $150- why the rate increase? At this point division team numbers need to be set so we know how many kids to place on each team. Adding a large amount of kids after this date can cause teams to balloon to 13 or more kids, which we do not want.
New for this year we are also offering payment plays. Pay in installment of 2 / 4 / or 6 months.
How are the registration costs determined?
SCLL is a non profit organization, but our mission of providing a quality baseball experience is not a cheap one. The board of directors sets the registration prices to levels which keep our facilities and the experiences at the high level that has come to be expected at SCLL. As the cost of balls, uniforms, field maintenance materials, and umpires all increase the registration increases as well.
How long is the registration open for?
It's a long long time. Registration is open from the beginning of October and we don't stop accepting until late April. We will always try and find room for your child no matter when you sign up, even after the season starts. So do not panic if you sign up in Oct and its now Feb and you haven't heard from us.
How do I know what Little League age my child is?
You can use the Little League age chart. Boys and girls use different charts so click here and this will help.
I want my child to play but we can not afford it.
This is not an issue! We want everyone who wants to play Little League to play, no matter what!
T-Mobile has an amazing grant program that will cover your cost of registration. The process is pretty easy and they notify you directly when you have been approved. You still will need to register your child with SCLL but just choose the pay later/pay by check option at checkout. Last year T-Mobile helped over 20 SCLL families play Little League and we hope to continue that. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
NEW FOR 2022: For all approved grants, payment will be provided directly to the family in need (to maintain confidentiality) via an electronic debit card with restrictions for use only for registration fees. The maximum amount a grant can be awarded for is $150.
If T-Mobile does not work out for please contact us and we will work something out. Remember you can pay a little at a time.
New for 2025 we are also offering payment plays. Pay in installment of 2 / 4 / or 6 months.
During registration, my child qualifies for multiple divisions (levels) of play, which do I pick?
What you choose is ultimately up to the child and parents to decide. If you feel they are a little ahead of the game you will choose the older age division. If they are just starting out I would go with the lower age division. This can always be changed down the road, we want you and your child to be comfortable playing. EXAMPLE: My child is 6 but they have been playing tee-ball for 3 years, Can he/she play 8u machine pitch? Yes, if you feel comfortable with them playing with 7-8-year-olds sign him/her up. A lot of 6-7-year-olds who have played tee-ball for a couple of years do play 8u machine.
Do I have to live in St. Clair to play?
No (as long as you are 7 years old or younger, or have a siblings 4-7yo's signed up for LL)
>>>NEW FOR 2025 <<<<
Starting with the 2025 season, children at the youngest level of the Little League® Baseball and Softball program (League Age 4-7) throughout the United States will have the ability to register for any Little League program they choose, without respect to any geography- or school-related eligibility requirements. Those players who register under this option will also be fully eligible to participate in all aspects of league play, including International Tournament play, for the duration of their Little League careers provided they have continuous and unbroken participation from the time they are League Age seven within the specific league where initially registered and provided all other participation eligibility requirements have been met. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
Long story short... You do not need to live in or go to school in St. Clair LL boundaries to play SCLL ages 7 or younger. Older Brother/Sister are also welcomed.
SCLL's main goal with this new rules is welcome back former SCLLer or St. Clair residents who now have kids and want their kids to experience the same great Little League experience they had but do not live in SCLL boundaries. Of course we will not turn away anyone looking to join our great league. We're excited to grow our SCLL family!
I registered, now what?
Depending on how early you signed up you might be waiting to hear something for a while. Teams start forming Mid to Late March with practices (depending on the weather starting in April) The registration period is long so don’t panic if you signed up on January 10th and haven’t heard anything on March 1st. You will be emailed when you are placed on a team. Even if you register after practices start, you will be emailed once you are placed on a team. Again don’t worry we haven't forgotten to put a kid on a team yet lol.
When do we get our uniforms and picture forms?
Even if you sign up in January you will not get your uniform and picture forms until two week or maybe the week before the season. It does take time to get uniforms ordered printed and delivered back to us. Don't worry we will do whatever we can do to get your child their uniform before opening day no matter when you sign up. Pictures and Picture forms are NOT handled by SCLL. Marion's handles the pass out of the forms and taking the pictures along with passing out the pictures once's they are finished. They normally pass the pictures out early to mid June. If you have any ?'s please contact them directly.
I signed up late, will I still get my child(s) jersey?
Yes: But it might be after opening day. Any Registration after April 1st is not guaranteed to have your child's last name on the back of the uniform.
Are there tryouts? If yes what are the dates?
We dont call them tryouts since everyone makes a team:
*Player evaluations will be held mid March, Softball March 8th, Baseball March 16th. The evaluations are used to help us draft teams and create parity in the league, but all players will be placed on a team. You will get an email about this with times (location is at the High School on Clinton) a week before your child's evaluation day.
*Teams will be released the week of March 17th.
My child played in the major division last year, do they need to try out again?
No, they do not, they will be on the same team they were last year unless you need to change teams and it is approved by the Little League Board. Again this is ONLY for the Major Divisions.
Do you provide equipment or do we need to buy our own?
In recent years we have gone away from team helmets or any other shared equipment. You will need to provide your own helmet, glove, and cleats. Bats can get expensive as they get older so sharing a team bat is more than ok. With that being said SCLL is very fortunate to have The MARTY VANBUSKIRK MEMORIAL EQUIPMENT SPONSORSHIP. You can apply for equipment assistants here. LINK
We know baseball can get expensive and we want ALL kids to play Little League, so if you need something, please ask. We do have plenty of slightly used equipment people have donated.
When does the season start/finish?
Outdoor practices normally start in late March or early April, You will practice two or three times a week on Monday-Saturdays, they could be different days each week. We try to get as much practice in before the season starts (weather pending).
Opening day in St. Clair is the 1st Saturday in May. So games start May 3rd this year. Games are played Monday-Thursday, Never on the weekend (other than on opening day). You play twice a week, the days each division plays can be found HERE. Also a breakdown is below.
The general times for opening day can be found here.
What Days do they play? THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE DEPENDING ON HOW MANY KIDS/TEAM WE HAVE FOR EACH DIVISION. But this is the plan for division and scheduling for 2025.
Tee Ball:
Tee Ball 1: 3-4 year old's / Will play on Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:15 or 6:15pm / 6 Teams expected
Instructional development. Strictly hitting off the tee. This division focuses on fundamentals, fun and an introduction to baseball. No score is kept, and games are 45-1 Hour with two or three at bats for kid/team. Teams will be coed.
Same as Tee Ball 1 BUT A coach pitches under or overhand from 10-15 ft away and the child is given 5 swings to hit the ball. If they fail to hit the ball in those swings we will bring out the tee for them to hit off of. 6yo Boys with multiple years of T Ball are encouraged to play Coaches Pitch. Teams will be separated by all boy teams, all girl teams and a CoEd Team with brothers/Sisters. They will all still play against each other.
BASEBALL: There has been some major changes to our baseball divisions.
Coaches pitch to the players. Everyone bats, and games are played six innings (or time limit). 3 outs per inning, 5 run max per inning. There will be a catcher, 4 Outfielders will be used. Focus is still Instructional development.
SOFTBALL: No major changes to our softball divisions
I want to coach, how do I sign up?
Visit our volunteer page here. Or sign up when you are registering your child.
All volunteers will need to pass a background check and complete or child abuse awareness program! This is VERY important to us and should is 100% required to coach. Anyone stepping on the field needs to have a background check done.
Click here to sign up or call one of the numbers below.
Any other questions please feel free to reach out via email or call/text:
Libby Cody
VP of Softball
[email protected]
Matt Distelrath
VP of Baseball
[email protected]
Matt Karas
[email protected]